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Refreshing housing for the elderly

When looking at the stories told by women with disabilities, we realised that violence...



Support repair slums Philippines

When looking at the stories told by women with disabilities, we realised that violence...



Building schools in Nepal

When looking at the stories told by women with disabilities, we realised that violence...



How could you help?

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We wish to bring many good things to life. Life has too many circumstances and unhappiness

Charity organization

Hello, we are the charities Soraka. We are specialized travel organizations donate and help the disadvantaged

Charity Event

We specialize in organizing large events and small charity, we combination with the companies sponsoring the event to donate

Give Scholarship

In addition to these programs go charitable organizations such as children, women of poor, rural areas. We also have programs offering scholarships for children or students, poor students

Jogging exercise charity in paris

When looking at the stories told by women with disabilities, we realised that violence was a...

cycling advocacy for environmental

When looking at the stories told by women with disabilities, we realised that violence was a...

photography protect ecological

When looking at the stories told by women with disabilities, we realised that violence was a...

Dance contest for charity

When looking at the stories told by women with disabilities, we realised that violence was a...

Amazing volunteer

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Businesses often become known today through effective marketing. The marketing may be in the form of a regular news
item or half column society news in the Sunday newspaper.

Pearl Patterson


Patrick Bell


Gene Ruiz


Maude Franklin










Our Stories

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Stories of the unhappiness, poverty. The story of the dangerous animals you are standing on the brink of extinction
The touching story we've written up from the actual travel times

21 Jun

Informing discussions on data and disability

When looking at the stories told by women with disabilities, we realised that violence was a...
21 Jun

Social enterprise in India for charity

When looking at the stories told by women with disabilities, we realised that violence was a...
21 Jun

United Nations General Assembly 2016

When looking at the stories told by women with disabilities, we realised that violence was a...
21 Jun

How can we leave no one behind in health

When looking at the stories told by women with disabilities, we realised that violence was a...